Thursday, May 29, 2008

Date night.


I want to put Nair in her conditioner and steal her hair!!! So perfectly messed. The high waisted satin skirt looks clean and streamline over the cotton tank of the same color. This minimalist approach reads lovely and even lovelier when colorful heels are thrown in. purrrrrrdy meow meow:)

(click the pick to view up close)


SMIZZLE said...

This is def. a meow meow. LOVE!

Sharon said...

Nice blog-thanks for stopping by mine!!

Ingunn said...

Another color on the top would be nice. hot skirt and hair !

Matthew Spade said...

im liking the blog, keep it up, you have a new fan

LBIC said...

I love her shoes. so cute. The entire outfit is A+ to me.


thanks for stopping by :)
that's a cute dress, so are the shoes !!

Unknown said...

Watch it with the NAIR! ahhhhhhhhhhh!

heartu,kisses said...

cute style!

Unknown said...


you are fantastic!!!

a kiss for you, my dear friend!

god bless u dear

can we exchange our link

r u ready to do?


você é fantástico!

um beijo para você, meu caro amigo!

Deus te abençoe u Caro

podemos trocar os nossos link

r u disposta a fazer?

Shes Dressing Up said...

Ooh I like this image!

Adele said...

i love it!
and i love this whole blog loads!
thanks for visiting mine because yours is so interesting an inspiring!xxx

Fashion Is Poison said...


Ashleigh said...

ohhhhhhhhh her hair.......

Chantelle said...

She looks fantastic! And you're right, her hair is gorgeous. I even lovez the colour. Fantastissimo! Nice photo, great skirt!

WendyB said...

Hmmm....Nair hair theft...that's a new idea :-)

Sofia Koala said...

Oh dear, what an amazing dress.