Thursday, August 28, 2008



Belted, short and shouldered...I like it. Such a simple concept with delicious results. I guess great minds think a like, or at least wear matching silhouettes...

CC side note: 2 of these outfits were made from elastic topped skirts that were cut short and pulled up. You can find these kinds of skirts (in an array of great patterns) for cheap cheap at any thrift store. Get crafty.

(click the pic to view up close)


SMIZZLE said...

Romper Club! Love IT!

Freeloader L.A. said...

LOVE it, however I must say, this post makes me feel pretty OLD and makes me realize I was NEVER this cool/stylish when I was in highschool....or maybe I was and the clothes are just hideous to me now... hmm food for thought.

lydz said...

very cute!! was the pic taken somewhere in Pari

Rebecca Lydia said...

wow, so i know that these chicks look great but i'm kinda creeped out. not only are they continuing the barbie twin trend but they have taken it to a new and stylish level that most won't even notice. who knows, maybe i'm just jealous because i can't wear dresses that short. haha.

Hannah Stephenson said...

I have seen so many girls wearing this's cute, but kind of strange to me. It's almost always accompanied with an across-the-forehead headband.

I'm sure this will be a short-lived trend.

bi-style said...

all four girls are similar, but they look great!

Sharon said...

They look fabulous!!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

They are totally gorgeous, and I wish I looked like this in high school! Ahh to be that young again :)

Jennifer S. said...

Love the crafty side note. They are darling.

carnetta said...

brunettes have more fun!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Wow, I love the way they look. But I would kind of hate if my friends matched me like that!

Meaghan said...

these girls are seriously cute. when i was their age ... oh lord, what was worn.

Marian said...

oh how fun,love that two were customised from skirts.The joy of reiventing clothes.

Heather Chandler said...

i want their HAIR! toooooo cool for school. ft

kelsea said...

are those girls you?? either way, i LOVE that- such a great idea!!!

Dennise said...

Amazing. Those girls have more style in their pinkies than I have in my entire being!

Danz said...

Very cute and casual outfits! I love the brown belts they're wearing.

loveology said...

Wow, they look amazing!
Really love it.

Thanks for the comment on my blog, i really appreciate!

:) Mila.

uneventriΔngle said...

thanks for the comment
and what a lovely outfits


Ohhhhh Lydia I wish it was, cause that would mean I was in Europe:) BUT no it was taken in sunny California...


Cate said...

YAY! i love the dress from the girl second from right.
xxx Cate

Jadore-Fashion said...

they look great, love the belt addition.

Thanks for your comments, by the way! :)

Holly said...

hah these girls are adorable

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

I love the hair styles in this photo. Nice find.

Chantelle said...

they're all adorable cute!

Pamela Tan said...

oh my... these KIDS are super stylish!

Fashion Is Poison said...

they're all super cute. i'd love to see more people like this in LA. where the heck have i been...

Unknown said...

thanks for commenting :) visit again. love your blog, these clothes are qute hope summer comes soon, ow its long winter coming, i hate it

Rebecca Jane said...

I have totally done the skirt into a shirt thing - love it! These girls have done it will also!

Annie Spandex said...

Really? That's pretty inspiring... They look adorable.

jennifer said...

they all look fantastic. wish I could pull that off!

Trendy Gourmandise said...

very nice teenage group !