Friday, September 5, 2008

state of hearts

Downtown LA

If Pink and Green are lovers, then Pink and Red are best friends. Her quiet confidence and bright colors gave her a lovely distinction among the crowd.

(click the pic to view details)


Angela said...

i don't think i have used pink and red together but have seen the pair put together in outfits recently and the conclusion is savvy!

Dennise said...

She looks great, it takes real courage to pull that off and she did it well!

Richel said...

I can never pull off wearing extreme colors in the same family! I seirously end up looking like a tomato. She looks amazing, though! It works so unexpectedly well.

dale said...

before seeing this girl, if you woulda said red and pink together, i woulda said get outta town with that crazy talk.

jess said...

She looks great.

Marian said...

pink goes fabu with red.she has a quiet chic to spot some very stylish people.

Ida said...

I love the silhouette the belt gives her. And those colors actually look gorgeous together!

the assistant said...

i love her outfit I never really thought about pink and red though

Moonie said...

i don't like this style but she looks great! a very cool style for a LA girl!
I tagged you in my blog! SURPRISEEEE it's a very cool one!
Rock on friend!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

She's so ladylike.

Danz said...

Gorgeous skirt! I've never worn pink and red together but if I could find a skirt like that, I definitely would!

Thanks a lot for your comment dear :) I'd love to see your DIY studded shoes when you finish them!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Shes Dressing Up said...

She looks beautiful, and I love the colour combination!

Olviya said...

good combination. seems like it features to her character very nice!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

very pretty! she looks fantastic and seems to have a really good eye for putting colours and prints together without looking costumey

Couture Carrie said...

Love this combo!


Holly said...

she looks soo sweet in that lil outfit. adorable and confident

Sharon said...

A great look, the skirt is wonderful!

Alice said...

She is pretty and stylish:)

Anonymous said...

Love that top, belt and skirt. So pretty. I have a passion for belts and tops ruffles and ties.


hey great blog
just caught it

check mine out
let's link up


Penny said...

i love pink and red together, i think it can work really well. this outfit definitely does

Lissa said...

Hmmm she does look very well put together, even for pink and red.

Dee. said...

love the whole outfit!
thanks for your sweet words on my blog.

care to exchange links?

Lena said...

hey, great blog!
Personally, I don't like pink, but those colors look really good together. Great idea with belt!

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

She is certainly distinctive in a totally good way. Pink and red don't bother me as much as brown (belt) and black (shoes). At least that's how it appears on my monitor. Well done.

uneventriΔngle said...

Wouw i love it!
very nice skirt.
do you want to exchange links? :D

Style Spot said...

oh she looks adorable! such a great photo :)

Bombchell said...

love the top


Very cool. Great minds do think alike. I love The Old Man and the Sea (both book & film!) Can't wait to see your next post!! :)

Heather Chandler said...

not my style but i do like the clashing of pink and red. ft

an92 said...

I love her top!

Hannah Stephenson said...

I love pink and red together...this looks adorable! The tones work very nicely together (sort of Amelie-esque).

Chantelle said...

loves iit!

ryder said...

for a moment i thought it was amanda laine!

Pj.steph said...

I am so loving her blouse!