Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I've been enchanted by turbans ever since Daddy Warbucks' trusted friend and advisor, Punjab, came on the scene. To me it held wisdom, a refined quiet confidence, and smidgen of magic. Seeing her, gave me that same feeling all over again! Turbans are incredibly cool. They're a soft accent with an old soul.
"Buddha says, a child without courage is like a night without stars!" -Punjab
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Blossom Dearie

Lately I've found myself looking for specific items of clothing as well as patterns on people. One item being denim button up shirts...preferably over sized, and perfectly made for a male. And there she was wearing hers in a very feminine way tucked into a dainty floral skirt. Pretty.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Mandrake
Monday, March 8, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Midday traffic.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Kitten with a whip.
5 Fun Facts:
♥ They're playful and sexy without being annoying or skanky.
♥ They're effortless and make you look effortless.
I've seen some in Target and AA as well as on TopShop.com, and of course in some good vintage stores... do you know where else we can find these? Share the wealth!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Mother Darling,
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Suede Fringed Bib thing.
I found this little slice of heaven at a great vintage boutique called Hunt&Gather. This piece screamed BULKY PURPLE OVER TOP on the hanger but after I put it on it totally changed its tune. I loved that it was a no-fuss bib, you just throw it over your shoulder and velcro the the ends together. The overall lay of the fringe and the suede was awesome. No bulk whatsoever, and it actually gave my shoulders a nice silhouette. Surprisingly, it looks good over almost anything. On New Years I wore it over a black stretchy dress and totally had a Daniel Boone moment...BB gun included.
Moral: don't judge a bib by its hanger appeal or lack there of...try the darn thing on! I'm sure there are more of these waiting to be found at your local thrift or vintage store...maybe even on ebay?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
the value of nonsense
Charlotte Gainsbourg - Heaven Can Wait
I love this video. It's friendly reminder to think outside of the box. Bizarre things are cool like that. They prompt us to see beauty in the "weird" and encourage us to do our own thing. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
This must be the place.
Santa Monica
I was charmed by the conservative shape. Can you remember the last time you wore an ankle length skirt? Gorgeous woven...
Fall is coming, change it up, keep your gams warm.
(click the pic to view details)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
New in town.
Long Beach
Unique inspiration. First impression was good. It's always easy to get my attention when a boyish look is being well executed by a girl. I will say that a cowboy hat outside of it's usual arena would normally read inauthentic and slightly obnoxious to me but this case was different. She pulled it off and made her own. Her subtle brooch perfectly united the look and gave a cute shout out to the bolo tie.
(click the pic to view up close)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
She lives.
Yes, please go dust off your old gymnastic leotard and wear it with pride AND possibly some AA track shorts. Bring home the gold baby.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
we don't need no educAtion.
Downtown LA
take each morsel in...and be inspired.
WOW, those shoes have talent. If anyone knows where to find them please share with the class.
UPDATE 5/7/09: The Ankle Boots w/ colored lucite heel were maaaagically made by Marc Jacobs. IMUSTHAVETHEM!!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Unisex alert! Ok, you have to look deep on this one. Off hand this shirt might read faded and dated BUT (bear with me) its actually awesome, and it should take the place of the over-worn plaid button ups. The native american print is sick. I say the more faded/worn the better. Use it as a beach shirt, tuck it in your cig jeans or throw it over some cut offs. BadaBOOMbadabing. Give your plaid a breather and pony up to this totally 80's, I heart arizona style.
(click the pic to view up close)
Ahhhhhh btw! We just had our first birthday!! Happy Bday CC!!! ♥
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Midday show.
Echo Park
Basically, this was an "everything in its right place" moment. It all started and ended with his tailcoat, and I couldn't ignore that if I tried. The colors, the shoes, the scarf, the hair...yum.
Seriously, you EL Lay boys are killin it. Note to selves: pale jade + red= feast for the eyes.
(click the pic to view up close)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Fuzzy lifting drink, meet fuzz lifting hat. Don't knock it till you rock it.
(click the pic to view up close)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Rich Recession
HOLY SILK-VINTAGE-BOMBER BATMAN...AND a Chanel one at that. Precious. Very bold for a Sunday afternoon, but have no fear this golden boy successfully turned day into night. That bow tie should be a closet staple.
(click the pic to view up close)